
Installing TransSECS

Using the Installer

Use the provided TransSECS installer for the distribution installation. See below for Linux installations. If you purchased TransSECS or requested a trial, the installer download URL was provided by email.

Except for trial TransSECS, licenses are not included and will be provided in a separate zip. Trial TransSECS includes limited time trial licenses.

Starting TransSECS

The TransSECS executable installs in the MIStudioSuite\TransSECS\Builder folder. If installed in the default location, this will be under C:\Users\Public\ErgoTech followed by the particular TransSECS type installed. For example, for TransSECSPlusReporting

and for TransSECSDevices

For TransSECS devices you start the TransSECSDevices.exe executable, for all others start the TransSECS.exe.


A copy of TransSECS is installed in MIStudioSuite\TransSECS\Tester . this is used for testing tool application. After you've built a tool, start the TransSECS.exe from the Tester folder and load the “GEMHost” test application. This will allow you to connect and send messages. The TransSECS Playlist videos guide you through this.

Installing on Linux

Linux installations do not contain a bundled JDK. Be sure your Linux system has JDK 8 installed. We recommend Amazon Corretto 8. The latest version for Linux and Windows can be downloaded from:

To check your JDK 8 installation, open a terminal and type “Java -version”. It should report a JDK (not a JRE) and version 8. For example:

openjdk version “1.8.0_242”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 1.8.0_242-b08)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 25.242-b08, mixed mode)

(242 is the version number so you may see a different version. We recommend the latest 1.8.0 version. Later Java versions, eg JDK 11+ will not work.)

To install the software from the installer jar, right click on the jar file and select the option to “Open with [your JDK] Runtime”. The installer will start. For Linux, the default installation directory is the /home/username/ErgoTech where “username” is your login account. The specific TransSECS installation directory will depend on the edition you are using, for example, ProgrammaticTransSECS, TransSECSDevices, TransSECSServers, or TransSECSPlusReporting.

Installing Licenses on Windows

Note: Trial software includes a limited time license which will be already installed. If the license has expired you will be notified and should contact your supplier for a Trial update.

For Windows, TransSECS will be installed in the C:/Users/Public/ErgoTech/[Software Name] directory, where [Software Name] is based on the TransSECS edition you have purchased.

Run TransSECS “Builder” using the executable “TransSECS.exe” in your installation directory, under MIStudioSuite/TransSECS/Builder. You will be prompted for a license bundle. This is a zip of licenses which should have been emailed to you by your supplier. Be sure you have saved the zip from your email to a local directory such as “Downloads”. When prompted, browse for this zip file.

Installing Licenses on Expired Trials

If the installation has expired, you will need to manually extract the zip into the MIStudioSuite folder. Open the zip in your preferred application and drop the root “MIStudioSuite” folder directly into your installation directory - the one that already contains an MIStudioSuite folder.

You will get this warning:

Choose “Yes”. If you do not see this warning you are attempting to unzip in the wrong folder. It's easy to accidentally drop the MIStudioSuite folder into the existing MIStudioSuite folder but this will not install the licenses. Make sure that you have unzipped into the root folder and that you see the warning above.

You will get another warning:

Check the box “Do this for all current items” and select “Yes”.

Finally this warning:

Chose the first option “Replace the files in the destination”.

After that, you can start TransSECS normally and you will see the new expiration date.

Installing Licenses on Linux

You should have been provided a license bundle (zip file of licenses)by email. Be sure to save the zip to a convenient local directory. You need to unzip the provided licenses into the installation so that you extract the MIStudioSuite folder in the zip into the same location as the currently installed MIStudioSuite folder. To do this, open the zip and drill down until you see “MIStudioSuite”. Drag this folder on top of the existing installation MIStudioSuite directory.

32 bit Windows installation

To run on a 32 bit version of Windows requires a 32 bit JDK. We recommend Amazon Corretto :

Download the file, and unzip it in the “MIStudioSuite folder, the same folder that has the 64bit jre. You'll have this: (you may have a different version of TransSECS, eg TransSECSDevices, but the folder structure is the same)

Rename the jre folder to jre.64

Inside the amazon-corretto folder, is a folder called JDK 1.8.0 and the version, here JDK 1.8.0_402

Move this folder to the MIStudioSuiteFolder and rename it to just jre:

TransSECS (or MIStudio) will then work as expected on a 32 bit Windows platform.

  • installing_transsecs.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/26 09:26
  • by wikiadmin